a.2 Fundamental interactions of matter and energy.

Fundamental interactions of  matter tnd enrgy

The fundamental interaction of matter and energy – is their interaction at the elementary level. That is: each elementary particle of matter interacts with energy being independent of other elementary particles. Even if it is a part of a physical body, of a planet for instance. 

There exist 2 types of fundamental interactions of matter and energy:

  1. The elementary particle elementary particleseizes energy from space, absorbs it and joins to itself as an extra mass. This process we called annihilation. After this process, void -“vacuum” of free energy – occurs at the given point of space. The left free energy of the universe starts moving, thus filling up a formed “vacuum” and so restoring its density. Thus it gives a positive in pulse of forward motion to the particle. The space of universe decreases by the amount of curtailed bound energy
  2. The elementary particle of matter releases the  to space. So the mass of the particle gets smaller. This process is called dehilation. Because of the excess of energy in this pbound energylace of space, we can observe its redistribution. This excess of free energy gets redistributed over the whole Universe until it restores its density constant. That gives the negative in pulse of forward motion to the particle. In this case, we can observe broadening of universe space.

These 2 types of interaction of matter and energy are considered to be the main ones as they determine absolutely all the changes of all physical bodies in the Universe. It’s noteworthy that:

  • Annihilation process (when the folding of energy takes place) – is only possible when the free space energy density exceeds matter density at their point of interaction.
  • Dehilation process (when energy is  released) – is only possible when the matter density is higher than free space energy density at the point  of their interaction.

An elementary particle of matter does not interact with energy  with all its surface. It interacts with one point only where it has the smallest density of matter. This point is located at the head of the motion vector, in the front end of the elementary particle. We can name it the point of dehilation – when the energy is released and the point of annihilation – when the energy is folded.


By means of this scheme we can easily observe the process of elementary particle stopping at the stage of primordial chaos. The front head of the elementary particle (which is shown by the end of the arrow) – is the point of dehilation, it’s an active point of energy release.

During the dehilation process, the highest density of released energy is observed around the dehilation point. The farther from this area the smaller density is. Thus density decreases proportional to 4π×R2 (which stands for the area of the sphere surface). The velocity of free energy streams coming from the point of dehilation equals to speed of the light (300 000 km/sec).

The effect of stopping the elementary particle of matter is observed in the place where free energy streams come into contact with the surface of elementary particle. The general quality of matter and energy – mass – makes possible their interaction by cohesion. So, COHESION of matter and energy – is such a capacity of moving energy, when by means of contacting at the elementary particle of matter, motion of the particle in the direction of energy motion takes place.

Owing to the capacity of matter and energy to interact of cohesion, we get something like reactive moment. The process of energy release into space slows down the speed of elementary particles of matter, which are left from its pre-matter galaxy state. Cohesion, a very high energy density in the area surrounding the point of dehilation and a high velocity of  this energy stream also guarantee an effective stopping process of  the elementary particle of matter.

During the Big Bang, the monolith of pro-matter falls into numerous elementary particles of the matter, each of them being in their compressed form.  At the primordial chaos stage, getting free from energy, an elementary particle of matter gets longer. It’s noteworthy that an elementary particle has length as its only spatial characteristic here. No increasing the height, no extending the width, – just getting long. So, when the elementary particle is free from energy at last, it resembles an extended thread. In other dimensions elementary particles are so small in their size that they even should not be taken into account.

So then, during the Big Bang an elementary particle of matter gets free from half of its energy and comes apart from the monolith of pro-matter. Thus its length doubles. We can indicate these two halves as quantum #1 and quantum #2. Quantum #2 is right at the head of the motion vector.

At the primordial chaos stage, the elementary particle of matter continues to get free from the energy, gradually slowing down the tempo of its motion. The process is very simple: the ending   quantum (#2, then #3, then #4, #5, #6, etc.) gets longer twice, decreasing its density twice proportionally. At every other cycle which is just the same constantly, the elementary particle releases half of its left bound energy into the space. And the energy left after is, equally distributed then between the two ending quanta.  The process continues until the elementary particle gets free from all the energy and reaches the minimal speed of its incoming motion.

elementary particle evolution 

QUANTUM of matter is a part of the elementary particle of matter, where the density of matter is getting reduced in two. The quantum of matter is a nominal structural unit within the elementary particle of matter. All the quantums of matter within the elementary particle are identical in their spatial sizes and are not in their mass.

Quantum of matter is a nominal unit of matter. The elementary particle is a monolithic unit of matter. It’s necessary to earmark quantum into the special nominal unit of matter.

During the tough interaction the elementary particles can be torn down. The fragments of particles as well as the whole particles can also interact. Thereby the whole spectrum of unstable elementary particles is formed. Among them are: baryons, mesons, leptons, etc. But we do not include protons here. Proton – is the only true elementary particle of matter. All the other particles “elementary particles” (including neutron and electron) – are the results of interaction between the fragments of the only elementary particle – proton. Thus such a structural unit as quantum is just necessary for identification of these interactions.

At the primordial chaos stage, an elementary particle of matter gradually frees the bound energy quantum per quantum. It increases its length, thus reducing the density of the ending quantum matter at the same time. Such a stretching of  the elementary particle subjects to the formula:

P = 1 / 2(n-1)

P- density (mass) of the quantum matter,

n – the ordinal number of quantum, beginning from the last quantum (considered along the direction of movements).

At that:

  • Quantum 1 gets half of all the elementary particle matter and the biggest of its density.
  • Mass and density of each of the following quantum gets reduced in two comparing with the previous quantum.
  • The quantum with the last ordinal number gets a minimum of  matter and density.
  • Growth of elementary particle mass is proportional to the speed of its forward motion and subjects to the formula:

mv ~ m0 + m0 × v/c

m0 – mass of elementary particle matter at the initial moment of forward motion of galaxy. When the particle has no energy so far. That is: its mass of repose.

v – velocity of the particle forward motion at “t” moment of time.

с – speed of light.

  • At the speed at light the full mass of elementary particle is equal to: mc=2m0, as a result of bound energy.

The distribution of matter both in elementary particles and quantums is not jump-like. It’s more gradual. Here we have a regularity: the density of matter in its elementary particle is getting reduced  in an even and  gradual manner. Thus the density of matter gets reduced in the direction of its front end.

The new energy released after the Big Bang starts diffusing in all the directions where it has a smaller density. Thereby it tends to spread all over the space equally. Shortly after the Big Bang, space full of free energy forms behind the elementary particle. But in front of it, only void with no energy is situated (Big Bang takes place on the bounds of the Universe). So the released energy starts diffusing first of all in the directions where no free energy is found. The vector of free energy distribution here coincides with the vector of incoming motion of the galaxy right before the Big Bang.

The effect of free energy compacting behind the moving point of annihilation.

Now let’s see what is going on during  annihilation process. An elementary particle moves forward in the space. “V” is its velocity. The point of annihilation here is pressed by the “countercurrent stream” of free energy. This stream of free energy has the velocity which equals to that of  incoming motion of the particle – “V”.

What  happens in another annihilation cycle? The annihilation point of the elementary particle absorbs the energy from the near space. Thus “vacuum” of energy – its absence – appears here. And it’s immediately being filled with the energy from the surrounding space. Owing to the cohesion, energy streams drag the elementary particle behind. Thus they give the impulse of incoming motion to it. What is noteworthy here is that this pulse is a very powerful one. All it’s due to the fact that the velocity of energy streams equals to the light velocity.

The velocity of free energy coming to the point of annihilation from the front semi-sphere of the particle motion will be “C+V”.  The velocity of free energy coming from the back semi-sphere will be “C – V” correspondently. As a result, when the velocity gets increased, the conversion of energy from the front semi-sphere gets bigger than that from the back semi-sphere. So, the quantity of converted free energy from the back semi-sphere will be smaller than that from the front, one proportional «V» the incoming motion velocity of the elementary particle. When the particle velocity reaches the speed of light, the energy, approaching the annihilation point from the back side of the motion vector  stops converting. The thing is that it won’t be able to catch up with the particle any more.

The higher the incoming motion velocity of the elementary particle is, the more powerful the “countercurrent” stream of free energy. This countercurrent stream of free energy causes great pressure upon the annihilation point. This gradient of pressure will be proportional to «V»velocity of the elementary particle motion. The countercurrent pressure equals in its action to that of the energy with the higher density. It seems that free energy has suddenly increased its density. This is the so-called effect of free energy density increase of space. It allows to the energy of lower density interact with the matter of higher density by means of annihilation. As a result we get the following: the higher the velocity of the incoming motion of matter in the space is, the higher the density of matter in the point of annihilation. During this interaction of the annihilation point with the energy, the last preserves its density constant in space. This allows the matter to convert a great quantity of energy at every other cycle of annihilation at once. Thus we observe a continuous velocity increase of incoming motion of the particle in space.

Another effect of annihilation:

Owing to the diffusion process, the streams of free energy move in the direction of the annihilation point from all over the space. But the free energy coming to the annihilation point from the back semi-sphere of the incoming motion, will always tend to catch up with the particle. Therefore a constant compaction of free energy with higher density behind the annihilation point takes place. We can name it the effect of free energy compacting.

At that, the density of free energy here is proportional to the incoming velocity of the elementary particle of matter. Suppose that the incoming velocity of the particle is somewhere 99.999 999 999 % of the light speed. It means that the streams of free energy from the back semi-sphere of space will tend to catch up the particle with the speed of a passer-by. Meanwhile the energy from the front semi-sphere of the motion will come to the annihilation point with the double light speed. So the annihilation point will preferably absorb a great quantity of energy right from the front semi-sphere. The energy coming from the back semi-sphere won’t be actually annihilated. But the energy diffusion continues: the annihilation point will keep on creating the free energy streams into its direction from all over (!) the space, including those from the back semi-sphere. Thus we get the constant energy streams from the back semi-sphere to the annihilation point and they will none absorb.

The question is what happens with them then. The answer is that they stay right there behind the annihilation point, forming the free energy compaction.

Let us investigate the sequence of steps resulting in forming such a compaction:

  1. The annihilation point absorbs free energy. Its incoming velocity corresponds toV”. “Vacuum” of free energy is formed nearest area to the annihilation point. So, the energy from the distant places immediately moves to this area.
  2. The energy having come from all over the space fills in this “vacuum” and starts to absorb at the annihilation point. Meanwhile en equal quantity of energy proportional to “C/2” come to this place (the annihilationfrom the front and back semi-spheres of motion. But due to the incoming motion of the annihilation point, the energy quantity annihilated from the front semi-sphere of motion will be proportional to “(C+V)/2and from the back semi-sphere – “(C-V)/2”. The motion of the leftover energy from the back semi-sphere, which failed to be absorbed by matter, stops for the time-being, as if this part of energy freezes.
  3. So, this freezed energy having stopped before the annihilation, being proportional to “V”- incoming motion – is the this source, which the free energy compaction
  4. In the following moment the annihilation point starts absorbing energy again. It also increases the velocity of its incoming motion to «V+1», forms a new “vacuum” of free energy and its thickness. The energy quantity in new compaction will be proportional to «V+1». The compaction of free energy previously proportional to «V» is replaced here by the compaction, proportional «V+1».   
  5. Though the quantity of stopped energy – proportional «V» – gets absorbed by the annihilation point, the energy quantity proportional to «1» remains obligatory behind the annihilation point. And this energy will be the constant core of free energy compaction behind the annihilation point. It’s noteworthy that due to the continuing increase of the incoming motion velocity of the annihilation point , «1» will turn into «2», then in «3», «4», «5», etc. at every other cycle. It will continue until the elementary particle of matter reaches the light speed.

What is the effect of free energy thickening then?

 So the EFFECT OF FREE ENERGY COMPACTING – is such a phenomenon, when a constant area of free energy compaction with high density appears behind the moving annihilation point. This effect appears because of the difference in speeds between the countercurrent and catching-up free energy streams of space. The gradient of this compaction is proportional to the velocity of incoming motion of elementary particle of matter. Compaction takes place till the speeding-up incoming motion of the annihilation point happens. This constant speeding-up of the annihilation point makes much more increase the free energy compacting process behind it.

Owing to the effect of free energy compacting, all galaxy present a moving area where free energy of high density, concentrated around its matter. The free energy density out of the galaxy borders is lower than within these borders. 

Any material body in the universe is no more than concentration of matter with a very high density. The Earth for instance: itself has a higher concentration of matter inside it, comparing with that  in space of the universe. This highest density of matter makes a proportionally high density of free energy between the particles of matter. As a result we get a very high concentration of free energy within the material bodies.


Thus to proceed the discussion, the term of active quantum should be introduced. So, the active quantum of matter –  is a quantum situated at the head of  the motion vector of the elementary particle, and having the annihilation point

During the increase of its velocity, the elementary particle gradually shortens. Meanwhile its front end steadily thickens. This process is quite reverse to that of the elementary particle stretching, at the primordial chaos stage. As a result every other quantum of matter with the previous ordinal number becomes active. A very important principle of annihilation takes place here: at one moment the active quantum of matter converts the energy quantity proportional to its mass. Thus getting active in the motion process, every other quantum of matter absorbs more energy at one time than the previous one. This guarantees a steadily increasing speed of forward motion of the particle.

In the phase of hydrogen nebula the speed of forward motion of the elementary particles slowly increases. Thus galaxy starts its racing in the space of the universe. Due to the annihilation processes, the space of the galaxy starts decreasing. So the elementary particles of matter get closer to each other. But at last the cloud of galaxy matter gets shrink to such an extent that the trajectories of some particles start crossing each other.

Suppose two elementary particles get closer to each other so much, that the disturbance wave of energy formed by each of them, starts to influence much its neighbor. Each point of annihilation is a centre itself where the free energy flows from the surrounding space are directed. But if two points of annihilation are situated close to each other, the quicker vanishing of free energy will be observed at the place between these two annihilation points. So between these two points of annihilation, being close to each other, appears the area with a great discharge of free energy. And it’s quite natural that the trajectory of motion of each of the particle automatically changes its direction to the area of that discharge. Number of free energy flows from the surrounding space will be directed to that area of energy discharge. These flows of energy will definitely drag the elementary particles  with them. As a result we get such an effect which we name the gravitation force. It usually takes place between the particles of matter. Gravitation is produced by the free energy flows, directed to the annihilation point. 

So the gravitational and electro-magnetic fields as the special forms of matter do not exist. What is scientifically called the gravitational and the electro-magnetiс field of  the material object, are actually free energy flows, directed to that material object (particle of matter). Thus by means of producing the rarefaction waves of free energy, and free energy flows, directed to the annihilation point, one material body (a particle) attracts another one.

Gravity – is the property of the annihilation point (of a material object) to cause motion  in its own direction of other particles of matter (material bodies) which got in the energy flows generated by this annihilation point (body). And so, forces of electromagnetic and gravitational gravity are just the waves of free energy rarefaction in space, spreading from the annihilation point (body).

And as every rarefaction wave of energy spreads all over the universe due to the diffusion, then (it means) any annihilation point influences all the material objects in the universe by gravitation.

So then producing the rarefaction wave of energy, the annihilation point generates the gravitation force. As  this wave  resembles the surface of sphere (with the leap of density on its surface), the gravitation force of this annihilation point falls down proportionally to density square – 1/4π×r from the annihilation point. Correspondently, the higher the matter density of the ending quantum (the source of the discharge wave) is, the more energy the annihilation point absorbs. The more powerful energy currents moving to this annihilation point are, and the stronger the wave of rarefaction will be. So the greater is the gravitation force of the annihilation point.

The gravitation force, generated by the active quantum of matter, is directly proportional to the mass-“m”- of this quantum matter, and inverse proportional to the distance squared –“ r2” , at any point of the space at the distance ”r”.

f ~ m/(4π×r2)


«– the gravitation force of the annihilation point;

«m» – the mass matter of the active quantum with that point of annihilation;

«r» – the distance from the annihilation point;

«4π×r2» – surface area of sphere at r-distance from the annihilation point.

Suppose two elementary particles of matter move in space in a parallel manner at a small distance from each other. Both of these particles being under the influence of the rarefaction waves of energy of each other and will, get closer. Let’s take such a frame of reference, where one of two particles is immovable relatively to another one. This first immovable particle creates a lower density area of free energy. The gravitation force of the first particle which influences the second particle, situated at «r» distance from the first one, will be

 f1 ~ m1/4π×r2

The second particle of matter also creates the gravitation force, which is proportional to the mass of its active quantum and inversely proportional to the density squared from it:


f2 ~ m2 /4π×r2

where «m2» – the matter mass of  its active quantum.


So we get the following:


 The gravitation force of  the annihilation point «A» carrying the mass «m1», at the point «B»  on «r» distance  is:

 f1 ~ m1/4π×r2


At the same time the gravitation force of  the annihilation point «B» carrying the mass «m2», at the very point « is:

f2 ~ m2

The gravitation force is maximal at the point B. Not «r» distance from the annihilation point, not rarefaction wave of energy, not the sphere surface, where the free energy density will be decreasingly distributed. But what can be observed: here is the annihilation process, proportional to m2   – the mass of the active quantum matter, and here is the gravitation force.

As a result of this interaction of these two forces, the gravitation force of both annihilation points at the point B is proportional to the product of matter masses of their active quantums and inverse proportional to the distance squared between them:

F = f1×f2 ~ m1×m2/4π×r2

 The GRAVITATION FORCE between two elementary particles of matter (material bodies) is proportional to the product of matter masses of their active quantums (material bodies) and inverse proportional to the distance squared between these particles (bodies):

F ~ m1×m2/4π×r2

This law of gravitation between any material particles and bodies in the Universe is just the same as The law of Universal gravitation once defined by Newton .Cf.: the gravitational force between the two point masses is directly proportional to the product of the two masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the point masses .(Newton’s law)

The gravitation force of the material body depends on the number of its elementary particles, to be more precise on the number of  the annihilation points. The more annihilation points the material body has, the more its gravitation force is. As all the elementary particles have one annihilation point, we have that the gravitational force of the material body is directly proportional to the mass of its matter. All this concerning the gravity of the elementary particle can be easily applied to all the material bodies.

Remember the electrical interactions. Everything, which we speak about gravity interactions, has true to electrical interactions. Gravity interactions between two elementary particles in modern physics describe as well interactions between point charges. Here instead of the particles’ masses “m1” and “m2”, we have their quantity of charges as «q1» and «q2». So all the previous analysis can take place in terms of the electrical charges. The direct approval of this – is the formula of the Coulomb


(It’s practically the same as our formula).


So, the gravitational and the electrical interactions, which are considered to be quite different phenomena in modern science, – is practically one and the same process of  gravitation( or repulsion) between particles and bodies. This process usually takes place because the matter moving in the Universe.


During the evolution of galaxy, the elementary particles of matter are getting closer to each other sooner or later. At result, we observed their direct interaction.  The second phase of the galaxy dynamics stage begins. It’s called the phase of gaseous nebula. The general process of this phase: the combine elementary particles of matter in binary structures. The particles get combined by the  annihilation points. As a result we get the first valid atom – deuterium atom. The atoms of all the galaxy chemical elements consist from binary structures of the elementary particles – deuterium atoms. But not – of protons, neutrons and electrons – how modern science thinks. These binary structures are a universal construction material which all the material, bodies in the universe consist of.  

Taking into consideration that before the interaction the elementary particles of matter were parallel oriented in space, we have the following graphical form of the deuterium atom:


deuterium atom 

Deuterium atom is not a monolithic construction. It’s been formed under the action of the gravitation force of the elementary particles. The atom exists only because of their annihilation points action. These very annihilation points combine two elementary particles into a binary structure of the deuterium atom.. If these annihilation processes suddenly come to an end, the binary structures will fall into the separate particles again. 

So in such a way this binary structure travels all over the Universe. This type of elementary particles combination is called the “atomic” or “nuclear interaction”.

So, Atomic (nuclear) interaction can be defined as:

    • such a process when two elementary particles of matter get combined by means of their annihilation points into the deuterium atom;
    •  the process, when deuterium atoms get combined by their common annihilation points into a bigger  common annihilation point. As a result the chemical elements atoms are formed.
  1. fissionthe common annihilation point of the chemical element’s atom into the smaller common annihilation points or into the separate elementary particles of matter.

Atomic interaction takes place during the radioactive fission for example. The common annihilation point of atom starts releasing energy. This released energy breaks down that common annihilation point. So the atoms of one chemical element turn into the atoms of the other one.

And now let us see what is actually going on in the annihilation point area.


So we got to learn what the gravitation force is it`s done above. We have found out that it exists due to the free energy currents oriented to the annihilation point. And what is the repulsion force then and how it comes out?

The repulsion force is the result the actions of free energy compaction behind the annihilation point. Any moving annihilation point, which has such an area of energy compaction on its trajectory, always changes it in the direction of repulsion of the energy conversion. This happens because:

  • the direction of the particle motion is always determined by the direction of free energy currents. The diffusing free energy always carries matter particles having got into its flows with it. These flows always tend to move in the areas with low free energy density from the areas with high free energy density.
  • When the energy currents run into area of free energy compaction with high density, these  always bend it around, carrying with them a particle (body) moving in these currents.  

This ability of the annihilation point, to deflect the free energy currents from its energy compaction, is the very repulsion force.

So, the REPULSION FORCE is the one formed by presence of free energy compaction behind the annihilation point causing the repulsion of free energy trajectory from this compaction  area.

The repulsion force of the annihilation point is proportional to the forward motion speed of the annihilation point and to its matter mass. The repulsion force displays itself only in the back semi-sphere of the annihilation point motion.

The gravitation forces act in the front semi-sphere, and the repulsion forces – in the back semi-sphere of the moving annihilation point.

gravitation and repulsion forces 

 Here we can see the distinct boundary between the gravitation and the repulsion forces. This boundary is right on the platitude, going through the annihilation point, perpendicular to the vector of  the particle incoming motion.

interactions between elementary particles 

And there we can see the way the correlation of both forces (gravitation and repulsion), influence two adjacent particles. Only annihilation points go under the influence of the gravitation forces. Meanwhile the mass of each particle goes under the influence of the adjacent particle repulsion forces. So, the particles of matter get attracted to each other by their annihilation points. And the free energy compaction behind the annihilation point of each particle repulses the other particle.

The described contradiction of these opposite forces, results in the hypothesis, that there exists some «X» point, responsible for the balance between the gravitation and the repulsion forces. It is situated  in the platitude, perpendicular to the particle’s vector of incoming motion, on some distance from the annihilation point. This point doesn’t let the other particles either come closer or go farther away. So the particles can neither be closer to «X» point nor go away from it. From now on and for ever, the «X» point ties together the particles to each other.

Really, this «X» of the annihilation point is the circle line in the plane, perpendicular to the particle’s vector of incoming motion. The centre of the circle is an annihilation point. This line is situated at «r» – the concrete distance from the mentioned annihilation point. This  distance is usually determined by the quantum mass and the velocity of the particle incoming motion.

The balance between the gravitation and the repulsion forces of the annihilation point is observed right at this very line. All the elementary particles in the atoms of  chemical elements contact with each other by means of these «X» points, neither coming closer, nor going farther away from them.

All the above mentioned also refers to chemical elements. Each atom point “X” – line by circumference where there exists the balance by attraction and repulsion forces of atom, close to which neither single elementary particle nor another atom can come.

An this picture we can see a new peculiarity of demarcation of attraction and repulsion forces, which came into existence as a result of joining   of single elementary.

 The “bottom” of which is a plane connecting two annihilation points. As a result we have: past of the free energy compacting  behind the annihilation point gets into he zone of activity of gravitation forces of another particle. Correspondingly – the falling of repulsion forces. So, the repultion forces of a pair shuclure made of elementary particle– a deuterium atom – is less than repulsion forces of two elementary particles.

The observed regularities of correlation between the gravitation and the repulsion forces of the annihilation point carry the main function in building the atoms of the chemical elements.


If the annihilation point absorbs some energy quantity, it will then get the very quantity from the surrounding space. It is just the consequence of the annihilation laws.

 And as the quantity of the energy absorption from the front semi-sphere is always bigger than that from the back one, than the energy quantity, proportional to  «V», the velocity of the annihilation point’s incoming motion, goes under the conversion.

As from the front semi- sphere there will be wore folding of energy that in the motion back semi- sphere – so that in compacting there remains the amount of energy, proportional to the velocity «V» of  the annihilation point forward motional.

 It’s noteworthy that the higher the velocity of the incoming motion is, the more free energy is formed behind annihilation point.

But when the velocity of the annihilation point’s incoming motion grades up to the light speed, such phenomenon as collapse takes place. The velocity of the point’s incoming motion stops increasing. Free energy compaction at last catches up with its annihilation point and absorbing is stopped. Free energy compaction behind the annihilation point  is a consequence of the constant increase of the incoming motion’s velocity. So the force creating free energy compaction behind the annihilation point stops its activity.  All the energy of this conversion gets immediately annihilated.

 So such phenomenon of the immediate absorbing the free energy compaction behind the annihilation point, when its incoming motion velocity reaches the light speed, is the COLLAPSE  moment.

When the light speed reaches the physical body, the free energy compactions behind all the annihilation points end their existence. At the same time all the repulsion forces, separating all the elementary particles of the physical body’s matter , also stop their activity. All the elementary particles join together and form  pro-matter ,-a single conglomeration of matter and energy. The same happens with the galaxy when it reaches the light speed .

So in this very state of the monolithic pro-matter, galaxy continues its travelling all over the universe at the light speed, the highest speed of  the incoming motion.

The nature of the repulsion and gravitation forces, investigated in the article , explains not only strong interactions such as gravitation, but also as weak ones, nuclear and chemical interactions, the electricity, magnetism. It helps to understand the main principles of atoms’ forming, as well as those of molecules, physical bodies and the whole galaxy. All that leaves no chance to the theory of “physical  fields of interactions” , the basic element of the accepted universe concept.

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